- 聚散无常别来无恙
- Gathering and parting are impermanent, and you are safe
- 电子数据采集设备
- Electronic Data Gathering Equipment
- 电子新闻编采
- Electronic News Gathering
- 数据搜集监控
- Data Gathering Monitor
- 好聚好散
- Good gathering and good scattering
- 勤洗手 不聚集
- Wash your hands frequently without gathering
- 愤怒的Tradewind生存(魔法:收集遗产甲板原型)
- Angry Tradewind Survival (Magic: The Gathering Legacy Deck Archetype)
- 信息的收集和检索系统(IRS)
- Information Gathering and Retrieval System (US IRS)
- 信息收集卫星(日本)
- Information Gathering Satellite (Japan)
- 相聚的日子
- The day of gathering
- 卫星新闻采访
- satellite news gathering
- 数字新闻采访
- Digital News Gathering
- 以色列的玩家(扮演公约主办的社会角色以色列)
- Israeli Gathering of Roleplayers (Roleplaying convention hosted by the Israeli Roleplaying Society)