What's the matter英语标准发音:What's the matter英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文怎么了What's the matter - 基本释义[词典1]发生了什么事?What's the matter - WEB词典what's the matter到底怎么样怎么回事怎么了发生了什麽事What 's the matter怎么了What's the matter出什么事了What's the matter - 短语例句山羊说怎么了 What's the matter with the goat 孩子们你们怎么了 What's the matter with you kids 亲爱的有什么事情 Honey, what's the matter 这妈妈什么情况 What's the matter with this mother 呵呵 怎么了 Hehe, what's the matter 米粒看起来似乎非常悲伤 怎么了 Mi Li looks very sad. What's the matter 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:What's the matter2.有道词典:What's the matter3.爱词霸:What's the matter