the line英语标准发音:the line英式发音:美式发音:ðə laɪn翻译中文线the line - 基本释义[词典1]赤道the line - WEB词典The line顺势而行结伙而行线人路线touching the finishing line终点触线止境触线尽头触线The Thin Line还我情真the line - 短语例句穿越火线钢镚战队 Crossing the line of fire 穿越火线职业联赛 Through the line of fire professional league 沿线国家的年轻人 Young people in countries along the line 串线了 The line is crossed 不要越界 Don't cross the line 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:the line2.有道词典:the line3.爱词霸:the line