lay to rest英语标准发音:lay to rest英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文休息lay to rest - 基本释义[词典1]消除(恐惧)平息(谣言)lay to rest - 英英词典VERB[动词]place in a grave or tomb放在坟墓或坟墓里Stalin was buried behind the Kremlin wall on Red Square被埋在红场克里姆林宫墙后The pharaohs were entombed in the pyramids法老被埋葬在金字塔里My grandfather was laid to rest last Sunday上星期天我祖父被安葬了buryentombinhumeinterlay to rest - WEB词典lay to rest埋葬淡忘.搁置消除淡忘lay him to rest将他埋葬Lay to rest安葬某人 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:lay to rest2.有道词典:lay to rest3.爱词霸:lay to rest