west of英语标准发音:west of英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文西部west of - 基本释义[词典1]西边west of - WEB词典west of我们认为处于相离的概念我们认为处于相离的关系翻译West Lake of Hangzhou杭州西湖West t of England西英格兰大学west of - 短语例句湄潭县位于凤岗县的西部 Meitan county is located in the west of Fenggang county 新疆位于中国的西部 Xinjiang is located in the west of China 福建在台湾的西边 Fujian is to the west of Taiwan 新疆在中国的西面 Xinjiang is to the west of China 成都在中国的西边 Chengdu is to the west of China 我住在揭东城西 I live in the west of Jiedong city 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:west of2.有道词典:west of3.爱词霸:west of