wait on英语标准发音:wait on英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文等等wait on - 基本释义[词典1]等待(某事发生)wait on - 英英词典VERB[动词]work for or be a servant to为…工作或做…的仆人May I serve you?我可以为您服务吗?She attends the old lady in the wheelchair她照顾坐轮椅的老太太Can you wait on our table, please?你能在我们的桌子上等吗?Is a salesperson assisting you?有售货员在帮你吗?The minister served the King for many years大臣为国王服务多年serveattend toattendassistwait on - WEB词典wait on服侍伺候侍候招待wait t on服侍wait in on a plane在飞机上等待 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:wait on2.有道词典:wait on3.爱词霸:wait on