give off英语标准发音:give off英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文发出give off - 基本释义[词典1]释放,放出,发出(气体、热量、气味等)give off - 英英词典VERB[动词]have as a by-product作为副产品The big cities gave off so many wonderful American qualities大城市散发出许多的优异品质give off, send forth, or discharge发射、发射或释放as of light, heat, or radiation, vapor, etc.如光、热、辐射、蒸汽等。The ozone layer blocks some harmful rays which the sun emits臭氧层阻挡了太阳发出的有害射线emitgive outgive off - WEB词典give off发出放出发出或放出散发出give e off发出放出发光give them off放出他们 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:give off2.有道词典:give off3.爱词霸:give off