英语- 标准发音:oranges
- 英式发音:ˈɒrɪndʒɪz
- 美式发音:'ɔrɪndʒəz
oranges - 基本释义[词典1]
- N.[名词]
- 橙子
- 柑橘
- 橙汁
- 橘汁饮料
- 橙红色
- 橘
- orange的复数
- word_proto:
- orange
oranges - 基本释义[词典2]
- N.[名词]
- 柑桔,橙子(orange复数形式)
- N.[名词]
- (Oranges)人名
- (西)奥兰赫斯
- (意)奥兰杰斯
oranges - WEB词典
- Oranges
- 橙子
- 奥朗治
- 桔子
- three oranges
- 三个桔子
- 个橘子
- 变异三橙色
- Sweet Oranges
- 甜橙类
- 甜橘子
- 柳橙属甜橙类
- 甜橙
oranges - 短语例句
How much are some oranges
Who wants to eat oranges
Here is an apple and two oranges
I saw a woman buying oranges
These oranges are as heavy as bananas
What do you like? I like oranges
Do you have a selection of oranges here
I want to buy two kilos of oranges
Those oranges are orange
How about some oranges