英语- 标准发音:grapes
- 英式发音:ɡreɪps
- 美式发音:ɡreɪps
grapes - 基本释义[词典1]
- N.[名词]
- 葡萄
- g的复数
- word_proto:
- g
grapes - 基本释义[词典2]
- N.[名词]
- [园艺] 葡萄(g的复数)
grapes - WEB词典
- Gs
- 葡萄
- 提子
- 保存提子
- 葡萄品种
- Wine Gs
- 酿酒葡萄
- 葡萄品种
- 酿酒葡萄品种
- Whole gs
- 葡萄输送
grapes - 短语例句
Grandfather grows grapes
I don't like grapes because they are sour
Grapes are used to make wine
Can he have some grapes
Big sweet purple grapes
Please give me some grapes
The grapes are on the table
Mangoes and grapes
I have some grapes
A lot of grapes