thank you
英语- 标准发音:thank you
- 英式发音:
- 美式发音:
thank you - 基本释义[词典1]
- (表示感激)谢谢你
- (接受好意)好,谢谢你
- (婉言谢绝)不用了
- N.[名词]
- 感谢
- 谢意
- 酬谢
- 谢词
thank you - 英英词典
- NOUN[名词]
a conversational expression of gratitude
thank you - WEB词典
- Thank you
- 谢谢
- 谢谢你
- 感谢你
- 神奇视觉倒影杯
- Thank-you Letters
- 感谢信
- 英文感谢信
- Thank-you LeRer
- 第十八章
thank you - 短语例句
I'm fine. Thank you
Thank you for teaching us
Thank you very much
Thank you for your beautiful postcard
The above is my self introduction, thank you
Thank you for your Valentine's Day gift
Thank you for your affirmation of our work
Thank you for being so nice and paying attention to me
Thank you for your encouragement. I'll come on
Anna, thank you for your help. You're welcome