open the door英语标准发音:open the door英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文打开门open the door - 基本释义[词典1]开门打开门双手打开门open the door - WEB词典Open the door开门打开门请开门把门打开open n the door开门Open up the door打开门打开那道门打开了门正在翻译open the door - 短语例句我必须得开门 I have to open the door 我必须开门了 I have to open the door 可以拿去开门 You can open the door 开门 Open the door 不要开大门 Don't open the door 我用这把钥匙开门 I use this key to open the door 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:open the door2.有道词典:open the door3.爱词霸:open the door