英语- 标准发音:gifts
- 英式发音:
- 美式发音:ɡɪfts
gifts - 基本释义[词典1]
- N.[名词]
- 礼物
- 赠品
- 天赋
- 天才
- 才能
- 轻而易举的事
- 极便宜的东西
- gift的复数
- word_proto:
- gift
gifts - 基本释义[词典2]
- N.[名词]
- 礼品,[贸易] 赠品
- 礼物
- 天赋(gift的复数形式)
- V.[动词]
- 赐予(gift的三单形式)
- 给与
gifts - WEB词典
- Gifts
- 礼金
- 送礼
- 送礼物
- 礼物
- office gifts
- 办公礼品
- 办公用品
- 文化办公礼品
- 办公桌上的创意
- Spiritual Gifts
- 属灵恩赐
- 恩赐
- 圣灵的恩赐及运用
gifts - 短语例句
I love the gifts they give me
These gifts are special to me
Students exchange gifts before graduation
You don't need to buy expensive gifts
How many gifts do you need
Gifts for everyone
Gifts are usually cards, chocolates or flowers
One of the gifts came from my uncle
There are gifts