to eat英语标准发音:to eat英式发音:美式发音:tu iːt翻译中文吃to eat - 基本释义[词典1]食物吃东西吃饭to eat - WEB词典to eat吃吃的去吃饭我爱Rush to swim eat争相游来抢食Lunch to go eat午餐去哪吃to eat - 短语例句你只知道吃 You only know how to eat 不要忘记吃粽子 Don't forget to eat zongzi 我想要吃东西 I want to eat 你还想吃饭吗 Do you still want to eat 吃起来很凉爽 It's cool to eat 他将要去吃饭 He is going to eat 他喜欢吃水饺 He likes to eat dumplings 谁想吃橘子 Who wants to eat oranges 如何吃健康 How to eat healthily 又要吃饭了 It's time to eat again 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:to eat2.有道词典:to eat3.爱词霸:to eat