of late英语标准发音:of late英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文较近of late - 基本释义[词典1]新近较近近来of late - 基本释义[词典2]ADV.[副词]较近近来of late - 英英词典ADV[副词]in the recent past在较近的过去he was in Paris recently他较近在巴黎lately the rules have been enforced较近这些规定被执行了as late as yesterday she was fine直到昨天她还很好feeling better of late较近感觉好多了the spelling was first affected, but latterly the meaning also拼写首先受到影响,但后来意义也受到影响recentlylatelatelylatterlyof late - WEB词典of late近来较近较近以来近顷Afraid Of Being Late因为怕迟到Blessing of the late晚到的祝福 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:of late2.有道词典:of late3.爱词霸:of late