all the year round英语标准发音:all the year round英式发音:美式发音:翻译中文一年四季all the year round - 基本释义[词典1]一年到头;终年all the year round - WEB词典all the year round一年到头整年全年一年四季all l the year round一年到头Cultivation all the year round全年栽培all the year round - 短语例句保山四季如春 Baoshan is like spring all the year round 昆明的天气四季如春 The weather in Kunming is like spring all the year round 那里一年四季都很热 It's hot all the year round 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:all the year round2.有道词典:all the year round3.爱词霸:all the year round